The Decatur Police Department is involved in several proactive traffic enforcement efforts throughout the City of Decatur. Grants from the Illinois Department of Transportation, Department of Traffic Safety assists the Department in funding Roadside Safety Checks, Seatbelt Enforcement Zones and a full time DUI patrol officer. In addition, each patrol shift has goals to reduce traffic accidents by conducting highly visible traffic enforcement operations during shift hours. Officers often attend school programs to educate new drivers on the importance of traffic safety.

The Department recognizes the Fatal Four (violations of speeding, failure to wear safety belts, distracted driving, and driving under the influence) as being the cause of most serious and fatal accidents. Decatur Police Officers are involved in a major effort to arrest impaired drivers and ticket drivers for violations of speed, seat belt usage, and distracted driving.

Impaired driving is a result of alcohol and/or drugs. For several years, Decatur police officers assigned to traffic units have received additional training in the area of detecting drivers impaired by alcohol. In 2009, similar training was received on detecting drivers impaired by drugs. This training has been put to good use and officers are arresting an increased number of drivers for being impaired by drugs or a combination of alcohol and drugs.

As the traffic enforcement efforts increase, the number of accidents, personal injury accidents and fatal accidents continues to decrease. Citizen involvement is also an important key to this enforcement effort. Citizens are encouraged to call the police on suspected impaired drivers and advise of locations of reckless driving, drag racing and speeding vehicles.

The Decatur Police Department strongly encourages the use of designated drivers. Please call a family member, friend or taxi if you are impaired. Remember: ARRIVE – ALIVE.

Email the Traffic Safety/DUI Enforcement Coordinator